Courtney is an outstanding tutor who has worked with young people of all ages over many years. She thrives at getting the best from her students.
On the academic front, Courtney received a Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences, Cum Laude, from Boston University. Her Master of Arts in Communications is from the University of Maryland, where she was also an instructor in Public Speaking and Interpersonal Communications. Courtney was also a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health, designing surveys, managing databases and interviewing physicians.
Courtney’s work in government included designing public health mass media campaigns for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
In the private sector, Courtney managed market feasibility studies for HIV-AIDS drugs, and developed and evaluated diabetes education campaigns for doctors and pharmacists.
As a healthcare expert, Courtney's writing has been published in numerous academic publications, including the Journal of Health Education and Behavior and the Journal of Health Communication.
Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes, France
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